Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Sometimes I wonder, were we really, really cursed, (and the loud thundery voice goes) ye shall suffer great pain in the process of bringing forth, excruciating back tearing, men cursing, teeth shattering pain (duration not specified) and after this episode (known as childbirth) peaceful forgetfulness and the frolicking starts again yeah!

And then as if that’s not enough we have to contend with CR 101 (the basics of child rearing), CR 201 (the headaches of child rearing), CR 301 (I wanna strangle my child during the process of child rearing) and on and on it goes, these lessons we weren’t prepared for.

Well I’m at CR 301; yep I wanna strangle my child, no not in a mean way, in a loving way that will make her see reason.
I actually admit it’s my fault; I have smothered my kids in a not too African way. Kiss mummy... hug mummy, mummy loves you and all that bla... always used the word spank not beat always said please, Mickey mouse this and Donald duck that, no wholesome ijapa and yanribo tales.

Kai and now what do I have a 6 year old who wants to kiss and hug everybody who walks her way not realising it was meant for family and family only. Not her friend next door, not the washer man and the gardener and certainly not the total stranger who comes knocking onthe door.
So I think will wholesome African thrashing do...or will an episode of exorcising do the trick, or should I let her be and hope she out grows it.

Gosh I need help.