Monday, August 3, 2009

BRT Injustice

As ususal I got on my favourite mode of transportation (at least it will be my favourite until I get my metallic blue drop top Mercedes Benz C class with my customized plates)and as usual I got to it on that two wheeled dangerously driven contraption driven by a greater majority of Malo's althought today I was lucky to get a driver of the Nah variety.

So I got to my favourite mode of transportation the BRT (the red A/ced variety) looking forward to a comfrotably seated air conditioned ride to Obalende. Hm of all the unlucky things that could happen on a bright sunny day,when I was in a good mood too this bus took off and I expecting to hear the heavenly sound that A/c's make when they are on only heard silence.

Hellllllllllooooo why wasnt the a/c on and why was the driver not saying anything, I elongate my neck to see if his window is open and amazingly it is. What and my fellow Nigerian citizens on the bus were not saying a word. Ok my neighbour kept on muttering under his breathe loud enough for my all hearing ears to catch none the less why the a/c wasnt turned on. Why indeed but did he say it out loud...No, did these industrious Nigerians on their way to seek wealth say a they open the they must have felt and imaginary cooling effect I certainly did not feel.

After stewing in my seat and calling all those who were in the bus MUMU's, DUMMY'S, COWARD's and the reason why everything goes wrong in this country for not asking the driver why he didnt turn on the a/c I vowed I would ask the driver...posing as a daughter of one of the Lagbus managers why he didnt turn on the a/c...threaten to have him reported...write down the number of the bus as I got down...and then stroll happily to work (tongue in cheek) victory at last...I'm definitely not a mumu.

So we get to Obalende...I get off my seat determinedly, beginning to stew all over again at the injustice of not getting the full worth of my N100 ride. Good Im almost the last to disembark and I get close to the why didnt you turn on the a/c I asked...

I finally disembark with a slight frown on my appenged to my fore head...mulling over the reason that was racing through my head.

Just maybe his cooling system was faulty...just maybe what happened was definitely a technical problem...I guess I'm just a Mumu like everybody else on that bus...because I didnt have the liver to ask...of all stupid reasons not to ask...what if the driver was rude and threw me off the bus...Lol gosh I'm a Coward.